The Amazon

The Jungle, t
he Amazonian Forest, the “green lung” of our planet, which is a real sanctuary of biodiversity, covers more than 60 % of the Peruvian territory.
The Amazon Basin covers several countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. It’s divided by a crest, the Fizcanoldo isthmus. On one side of the crest lies the higher Amazon network which is composed of the rivers Maranon, Huallaga and Ucayali which all run to the north-east to make up the Amazon river itself at Iquitos. On the other side of the crest, the river Madre Dios which runs to the south-east.


In this area of Peru, the climate is equatorial with very high temperatures (about 28°C) and some heavy rainfalls. It is also in this area that the wildlife and the flora prevail. The very thick forest is characterised by very high and impressive trees, with an undergrowth of creepers, bamboos and parasitic plants. This is the reason why it was dubbed “the green hell’. Since the growing awareness of the population to  ecology, this pejorative expression has been transformed into “the green lung of the planet”.
Until now the nature of the Peruvian Amazonia has been rather well protected against aggressions (few roads, limited deforestation, …) but now it has become the target for deforestation, oil exploitation and more. Its biodiversity and its population are really in danger now.
The two main cities in Peruvian Amazonia are Iquitos and Pucallpa. Iquitos was created in the 19th century and expanded thanks to rubber. Pucallpa is important as an important fluvial port. It is from Pucallpa that you embark to join Rao Shobo.



The Amazonian basin mainly attracts a cultural, adventure and discovery type of  tourism, quite different from mass tourism. With this in mind,  large nature reserves were created, such as the Manu or the Tambopato-Candama (Puerto Maldonado).
Sustainable tourism is an alternative for people living in the forest to generate income without destroying their habitat. If you wish to discover and respect our environment, do not hesitate to choose the Amazonian Basin as a destination. What you will do and see at Rao Shabo will surely meet your expectations.
